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Protect Your Customers Information With These Tips

All Security Reviews Staff · July 25, 2017

Protect Your Customers Information With These Tips

Your client’s and customer’s information is only as secure as the weakest link in your business. From data encryption to careless employees, one mistake or overlooked detail can leave you and your clients open to a data breach. So, how do you close the holes in your security and keep sensitive information safe? Here are tips so the sensitive information your business deals with stays secure.


This may be as simple as it gets, but most hacks and digital intrusions come right from a login. Typically this is because a password has been compromised or isn’t strong enough. If you provide computers and digital devices for your employees, make sure password security is a priority. Hackers often times use software that cycles hundreds of thousands of passwords through a login screen in an attempt to find a match. If employees use randomized passwords this hack isn’t likely to work. Make it policy for employees to use a secure password keeper on their mobile devices, and cycle passwords quarterly, as this will not only ensure your data is secure through this access point, but will also create a culture of responsible security practices.


Two-Way authentication is a system by which your password is not the only hurdle when you access sensitive information on a computer. Authentication uses a six digit code that constantly refreshes itself. Google Authenticator is perhaps the most well known of its kind, and once it’s enabled on an account, that account will ask for your authentication code after the user enters his or her password. The service will send you this code to a phone via text message or an app. If every employee uses a randomized password and an authenticator like Google’s, some major holes in your security have been accounted for. Another authentication technique is a hardware key, like YubiKey. YubiKey is a small chip similar to a USB drive. Typically these keys are used for web banking, or corporate enterprise systems. However, a hardware key for every employee may be the type of security your customers deserve.

Employee Home Use

What about employees who take their work home with them, or those who use their own devices for work? If you have a Bring Your Own Device business (BYOD) provide employees with a benefits package that doesn’t only cover the usual, but also identify theft and financial monitoring. Services like LifeLock aren’t only preventatives for hackers and identity thieves, but LifeLock will also help victims of identity theft restore their financial lives. While this may not seem like it directly effects the security of your own company, any employees who take sensitive information home with them should have a strong identity and financial monitoring system.


A business grade antivirus is worth the considerable cost for all your devices. While antiviruses were once only needed for computers, now Android devices, whether smartphone or tablet, should be equipped with an anti-malware service. Luckily, many antivirus services like Bitdefender and Kaspersky Lab have contingencies for all platforms that might need them. Both these services come with different types of security at different rates, so you’ll get the antivirus you need, on the devices you have, for a price you can afford.

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